Global Perspectives – Available Now!
Global Insights Podcast – Available Now!
Handbook for Cross-Cultural Marketing – Coming Soon!
Michael Copeland, retired from P&G, and I published our third book titled Global Perspectives. If you are hopping on a plane to a new international destination on a business assignment, doing research on global management, or preparing a strategy for international marketing, this book creates a framework that allows you to quickly get ready. This book updates previous material, reorganizes the content, and is offered at an affordable price. This book needs to be in your library, available as a terence, or as an addition to standard international management or marketing books. It is available as a digital download for Apple iBooks and Amazon Kindle.
My Global Insights podcast is now live on major podcast sites. Short segments will address issues related to doing global business with insights as to how to proceed.
In September, Handbook for Cross-Cultural Marketing, co-edited by Dr. Glen Brodowsky and me, will be available at Elgar Publishing.
Why Global?
The global marketplace is a reality. Who among us has not been challenged, frustrated, or confused when doing business with someone from another country? Using Dr. Schuster’s models and methods, professionals changed their approach and increased their success.
Why Collaboration?
Collaboration is important in today’s marketplace. Most business training emphasizes competition and the importance of gatekeepers in withholding information. However, the new paradigm requires sharing of information and working toward joint goals. Dr. Schuster has a unique ability to facilitate collaboration that allows business partners to create competitive advantage and joint success.
Why Consumer Centric?
Consumers have tremendous power in today’s marketplace. The mass market is dissolving into fragmented consumer groups all demanding personalization and customization. Creating consumer-centered business processes requires a transformation of thinking. Dr. Schuster can facilitate the change necessary to realign your company with your consumers.
Dr. Camille Schuster’s insight, perspective, and delivery compels and inspires professionals to glean what is pertinent to their own task. The buttons at the top will link you to additional information about Dr. Schuster and her experience.
To contact Dr. Schuster about training, facilitation, or speaking, send an email to info [at] globalcollaborations [dot] com
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